Hola, and welcome to this humble digital domain!
This is Enrique, I'm your tech savvy-ish mechanical engineer, turned coder hailing from Mexico City and now soaking up the sunny vibes of San Diego. Pretty hooked up with biking, skiing and surfing but I am also pretending to golf.
Work hard, play harder. I also enjoy exploring how stuff works from rockets to network load balancers up to convertible bonds. I also love to communicate about how to do stuff. I am a big fan of the Medium platform. Anyway, I'm a firm believer that business has the capacity to transcend mere profits and become a force that ignites positive ripples across society. And in this ever-expanding landscape of technology, we will find the tools to untangle the most intricate knots that hold us back. Alright enough with the philosophy, let's get to the point.
On this website, you'll find articles, thoughts, and anything I find interesting related to Science, Technology and Economy.Feel free to browse through my work and get in touch if you have any questions or collaboration ideas. Connect with me on Twitter to stay updated with my latest projects and musings.
Badges? We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges! cabrón! - Gold Hat
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Exploring Inflation Trends Using Snowflake’s Data Marketplace ❄️, and Zillow ZHVI 🎈
Exploring Inflation Trends Using Snowflake’s Data Marketplace, and Zillow ZHVI May 2023 and inflation is still the center of attention for all major news outlets. Inflation, my friend, is a beast ...